At Group Time
I Play to Learn
When I contribute my ideas to a group discussion…
I learn to use language purposefully to explain, to express
exchange ideas and feelings, and to gain information.
When I listen to my friends without interrupting…
learn to be considerate of the rights of other children and to
adapt my own needs to the needs of others in the group,
by sometimes taking turns or sharing attention.
When I participate in talking about the
activity choices of the day…
I learn to understand the general time sequence of the day and to
make decisions
and plan for activities and projects.
When I join in a fingerplay…
I learn to memorize the words
and to enjoy and experiment with the language of rhymes.
When I play "Simon Says" in the
I learn to listen with care, to follow verbal directions, and to
imitate the actions of others in group
When I sing a song with my friends…
I learn to appreciate the diverse sounds of music, to move in time
its rhythms, and to build my auditory memory of words and melodies.
In the Manipulative Center
I Play to Learn…
I use diverse and interesting materials in this center …
I learn to make choices and to develop skills in eye-hand
coordination and problem solving.
When I look for the piece that will fit in my puzzle…
I learn to develop
skill in perception and shape recognition, by
putting parts together to make a whole.
When I carefully add each
piece to my puzzle…
I learn to develop habits of perseverance, patience, and
When I work
hard to finish my puzzle…
I learn to have self-esteem and confidence in my growing ability to
solve problems.
I string beads of different colors and shapes…
I learn about the mathematical concept of patterns that I can copy,
extend or create.
When I put one peg in each hole of the pegboard …
I learn about the number concept of
one-to-one correspondence.
When I play a sorting game…
I learn to recognize differences and similarities and
to classify
things by size, weight, shape and color.
In the Library Corner
I Play to Learn…
I turn the pages of a book…
I learn to handle books with care and to follow the sequence of a
story from beginning
to end.
When I hear a teacher reading a story…
I learn to listen, to exercise my imagination, to expand my
vocabulary, and to appreciate the importance and enjoy the pleasures
of reading books – a love of reading that
will continue to grow over
a lifetime.
When I answer questions about "what might happen next?"…
I learn
to comprehend the sequence of ideas in a story and to use
reasoning to anticipate upcoming events.
I learn to understand,
recall, and relate simple story themes and details.
When I "read" a favorite picture book to a doll…
I learn
to interpret pictures to predict what is happening in a story
and to become increasingly interested in words and print.
I dictate my own story for a teacher to record…
I learn to create stories to express my own ideas and feelings and
associate print on a page with spoken words or "talk written down".
I Play to Learn…
I get ready to go outside…
I learn to manage self-help tasks with greater independence and to
master the motor
skills needed to dress myself.
When I play and climb on the equipment outdoors…
I learn to use my energy in
a constructive way and to feel confident
in my ability to take on and master more challenging physical feats.
I kick, throw and catch a ball…
I learn to balance and coordinate the movements of my eyes, my hands,
my arms,
my legs and my entire body.
When I sometimes wait for a turn on the swing…
I learn to be assertive about my
rights, to negotiate for my needs
and to adjust to the groups needs by waiting, sharing and taking
turns when necessary.
learn to be aware of the space needed for me to move about and of
the rules pertaining to the safety and well-being of
myself and
When I play "Red Light" or "Ring Around the Rosie" with my friends…
I learn to understand
and enjoy some games with simple rules.
When I notice the changing leaves outside…
I learn to sharpen my observation
skills and to develop a
understanding of the science of seasonal qualities and changes.
At Mealtime I play to
When I wash my hands before we eat…
I learn to develop good health and cleanliness habits.
I help to set the table…
I learn pre-math skills like recognizing patterns, counting and one-
to-one correspondence.
I choose my seat at the table…
I learn social skills, taking turns and problem solving.
When I serve myself
I learn to try new foods, develop hand-eye coordination, measuring,
estimating, and sharing.
I talk with my friends at mealtime…
I learn that meals can be a relaxing place to talk, learn to take
develop listening skills and how to handle a conversation.
When I clean up my spot…
I learn self help skills.